August 20, 2012

Growing Up

I've been away from this blog for two weeks now, the longest I've ever gone without posting here. But so much has happened. Life has pulsed forward in a way that is exciting and expected but still somewhat of a shock.
Someone I never thought would grow up has, in fact, grown up and decided to go and get married. She's decided to create her own little family and embrace that wonderful, time-honoured tradition of declaring herself madly in love and willing to spend her life with one person. 
The hand that wears that beautiful ring with aplomb and elegance is the same hand that held mine as we played silly games in the afternoon and walked home from the bus-stop together, the hand that fought with me over toys and threw punches and pulled my hair. It's the same encouraging hand that held mine even when we were far apart, helping me cope, showing me support, letting me grow into the person I was meant to be. It's the hand that will always be in my corner, no matter what happens.
It's the lovely hand that now wears an engagement ring. As much as I long to make my little sister become the bundle of pigtails and magic she was years ago, to stop her from charging ahead on life's path, I'm also deliriously happy for her to begin this new chapter.
I just can't get over that she's growing up.


  1. the same hand will continue to hold yours... but now it'll just be a little more blinged out 'tis all.
    love you both.

  2. What a beautiful sentimental blog post Aeshu!
    Isn't it amazing how all emotions manifest in circumstances, people, life. A touch of poignant sadness nestling in the happiest moment, pain transmuting to peace, the stillness beneath the chaos, a layer of essential calm waiting to be touched in the most turbulent time.
    Not amazing really because they are all the same.
    The other side of the same coin. Neither more or less desirable.
    One a portal to the other.

    1. Sigh. THIS is beautiful.
      I agree about one a portal to the other - it is amazing, really.


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